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[When A Dead Man Walks]

Lacuna Coil - When A Dead Man Walks

In which I think that I'm not confident
Blood into my hands I can't deny
A buzz into my ears that makes me mad.
But I don't look back,
While I'm waiting to die
I don't look back
In a weird lullaby
I'll carryon,
And the hope in my heart is dry,
But I don't look back
And I cannot reply
I don't look back
While I'm waiting to lie
I'll carry on,
While they want to decide for me.
Once again.
Living in their cage
They are killing me.
In which I think I'm not that confident
A tiny hope that burns in my breath
A bitter smile delights me at the end
[Ecrit par mondaye] [Lundi 13 Juin 2005, 15:56] [L'éternité du passé] [Nids douillets] [L'éphémère du futur]
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